Coach Mentor Catalyst

Ignite your Thinking  Light  up  your  Life


For more than 20 years Jonathan has been working with business leaders, line managers, parent returners and aspiring professionals from all walks of life. 

Their connection? A shared passion and determination to make a difference  and improve lives for – employees, colleagues, friends, family and, of course themselves. 

Whether you are looking for way in, a step up, or way out, let’s talk.  

Live your life in 3D

Dream - Dare - Do

Jonathan’s 3-step process and support changes people’s thinking. It enables you to lift your vision beyond the current horizon. It brings dreams and aspirations into focus and creates meaningful, actionable  goals.  

Challenges and obstacles that have limited or prevented these dreams becoming reality are explored and  removed or circumvented. The result is a feeling of purpose and empowerment, enabling you you take the difficult first steps towards where you want to be and who you want to become.

With ongoing support your steps become more confident and purposeful.  Hidden opportunities reveal themselves, accelerating movement towards your goals. This energy inspires you to achieve things you never dreamed possible. 

What’s stopping you?

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe